Creativity: Unlocking One of ADHD’s Greatest Gifts

The gifts of ADHD are often overlooked, but one of the

most delightful is creativity. Children and adults with

ADHD often possess boundless creativity, bringing unique

perspectives and a vibrant imagination to everyday life.

When my children were young, my husband would play

“airplane” with them. They’d pack clothes into paper bags

(Which might explain why they’re all chronic over-packers

today) and bring their “luggage” onto the “plane.” Their

Dad lined up chairs in the family room, issued boarding

passes, served snacks (dating myself here), and even

turned on an “in-flight” movie. The kids were thrilled, and

while they “flew” worldwide, I got some alone time. 


That was Dad’s ADHD creativity at its finest.

Our house was always alive with creativity. Couch forts,

drawings taped all over the refrigerator, counters covered

in shaving cream art, books and stories acted out, tea

parties with friends (including all the stuffed animals in the

house)—our kids’ imaginations knew no bounds. 


Their ADHD creativity was constantly at play, filling our home

with energy, inventiveness, and usually a huge, chaotic



Because of this creative spark, children with ADHD often

grow into incredible problem-solvers, artists, or inventors.

They may struggle to sit still sometimes but also

see the world in ways others can’t.


So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by the chaos

your ADHD child creates, try to appreciate the creative

mind that fueled it. Use your creativity to turn the

cleanup into a game and enjoy their imaginative spirit.


This week, take a moment to notice your child’s creativity.

Celebrate it and let them know what you see—because

recognizing their gift is one of the greatest gifts you can

give them.




Shaping a Positive Parenting Mindset for ADHD Families


Encouraging Open Conversations with Our ADHD Children